- Measuring the headcut due to low flow in the channel
- Artist Dwight Mickelson for introducing The Fargo Project: World Garden Commons and Listening Garden to the 2016 Plains Art Buzz Lab. Photo credit Karis Thompson
- Design, engineers and construction meet for a pre-construction site visit
- Jackie Brookner, Fargo Project Lead & Ecological Artist
- In preparation for the 5th Grade WeDesign Charrette, students design stormwater basins using the interactive design template created by MSUM students.
- A 5th grade Westside student works on forming an animal during the 2016 WeDesign Charrette
- Measuring the headcut due to low flow in the channel
- 2015 Welcome Week Fargo Moorhead
- Community members chipped in labor to debark the Listening Garden marimba logs
- Artist Michael Strand led an “elbow pot” activity: people pushed small rounds of clay against their elbows to form a concave bowl. The elbow pots provided a metaphor for the World Garden conversations, as a basin holding water and a diverse group of people and native plants and animals, all embraced in the decision-making about the future of the site.
- Rendering of a plunge pool
- Initial World Garden Commons design
- In 2012, over 200 people participated in the celebration inaugurating the basin with Native American dancing and drumming and at the WeDesign workshop that followed.
- 2012 WeDesign Community Workshop
- Site Analysis Diagram
- Early concept for the Rabanus Park stormwater basin
- Community members modeled ideas for restoration and features during a WeDesign Charrette
- During the 2012 WeDesign Charrette, community members modeled their ideas
- In 2012, over 200 people participated in the celebration inaugurating the basin with Native American dancing and drumming and at the WeDesign workshop that followed.
- The Fargo Project Collaborating Artists (l to r): Dwight Mickelson, Chelsey Dahlstrom, Al Ness, Michael Strand, Nicole Crutchfield (City of Fargo, Planning), Jackie Brookner Lead Artist
- Some of The Fargo Project original collaborating team
- Early image of West Acres, which opened in August of 1972.