Measuring the headcut due to low flow in the channel
Artist Dwight Mickelson for introducing The Fargo Project: World Garden Commons and Listening Garden to the 2016 Plains Art Buzz Lab. Photo credit Karis Thompson
Design, engineers and construction meet for a pre-construction site visit
Jackie Brookner, Fargo Project Lead & Ecological Artist
In preparation for the 5th Grade WeDesign Charrette, students design stormwater basins using the interactive design template created by MSUM students.
A 5th grade Westside student works on forming an animal during the 2016 WeDesign Charrette
Measuring the headcut due to low flow in the channel
2015 Welcome Week Fargo Moorhead
Community members chipped in labor to debark the Listening Garden marimba logs
Artist Michael Strand led an “elbow pot” activity: people pushed small rounds of clay against their elbows to form a concave bowl. The elbow pots provided a metaphor for the World Garden conversations, as a basin holding water and a diverse group of people and native plants and animals, all embraced in the decision-making about the future of the site.
Rendering of a plunge pool
Initial World Garden Commons design
In 2012, over 200 people participated in the celebration inaugurating the basin with Native American dancing and drumming and at the WeDesign workshop that followed.
2012 WeDesign Community Workshop
Site Analysis Diagram
Early concept for the Rabanus Park stormwater basin
Community members modeled ideas for restoration and features during a WeDesign Charrette
During the 2012 WeDesign Charrette, community members modeled their ideas
In 2012, over 200 people participated in the celebration inaugurating the basin with Native American dancing and drumming and at the WeDesign workshop that followed.
The Fargo Project Collaborating Artists (l to r): Dwight Mickelson, Chelsey Dahlstrom, Al Ness, Michael Strand, Nicole Crutchfield (City of Fargo, Planning), Jackie Brookner Lead Artist
Some of The Fargo Project original collaborating team
Early image of West Acres, which opened in August of 1972.