Design Your Space Interactive Charrette

Anyone can design their own stormwater basin.

Thanks to the efforts of Minnesota State University Moorhead students, Kaitlyn Mann, Samantha Szczesny and Kevin Schwab anyone visiting The Fargo Project website can dream up their own design.  The students spent an entire semester working on an interactive design program for brainstorming the look and function of future stormwater basins in Fargo.

The interactive program features iconic illustrations (designed by the college students) which users drag and drop onto a graphic stormwater basin with an inlet and outlet. It’s up to the user to design a space using graphic natural materials like flowers, grasses, bushes, trees, and built features like furniture, paths, and bridges.

Design Your Space



2 comment on “Design Your Space Interactive Charrette

  1. Chris Carpenter Reply

    Seems the link isn’t linked.

    1. Staff Rachel Asleson Reply

      Thanks Chris, there are a few links to select to Design your own space, try this one: /design-app/

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