Month: February 2018

MN State University Moorhead students redesign TFP website

Students Win for The Fargo Project Website

Congratulations to Minnesota State University Moorhead​ students Roxanna Poole, Nathan Long, and Brady Schwab for their work on this website. Their efforts caught the notice of the 2018 annual American Advertising Awards (ADDYs). Each year, American Advertising Federation members across the country enter more than 40,000 samples of their best work. This makes the ADDYs…
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February 28, 2018 0
A Westside Elementary fifth-grader crosses a temporary obstacle course at World Garden Commons


“Children are a kind of indicator species. If we can build a successful city for children, we will have a successful city for all people.” – Enrique Peñalosa, Mayor of Bogotá World Garden Commons at Rabanus Park is designed so the community can enjoy the natural environment. It is a unique attraction where people can…
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February 5, 2018 0
Welcome Week Fargo Moorhead

Growing Together Garden Leadership Workshop

FARRMS with NDSU Extension and Growing Together will host a Community Garden Workshop Wednesday, March 14 at LSS from 1PM to 5PM. If you have a current community garden or considering starting a community garden this workshop is for you. Growing Together’s highly successful model of communal gardening has inspired groups around the region to…
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February 4, 2018 0